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Tue, 20/01/2015 - 23:32

Total Orthopaedic Solutions Framework Agreement to Combine NHS Buying Power

The first orthopaedic framework agreement in the health service has been established by the NHS’s cross-hub group, the Collaborative Procurement Partnership.

Developed in collaboration with clinical experts, the NHS Total Orthopaedic Solutions framework agreement aims to both simplify procurement and avoid the duplication of purchasing effort that was outlined in the Department of Health’s 2013 Report Better Procurement Better Value Better Care.

It will introduce buying power across a number of regions covered by the NHS for procurement in relation to orthopaedics. Lots include orthopaedic hip arthroplasty, orthopaedic knee arthroplasty, orthopaedic extremities, trauma, implants, spine, arthroscopy/sports medicine, bone preparation, power tools, regenerative technology and generic orthopaedic instrumentation.

This is the second framework agreement for clinical purchasing to come to fruition for the Collaborative Procurement Partnership, which comprises four hubs – NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC), NHS London Procurement Partnership (LPP), NHS Commercial Solutions and East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub (EOE CPH).

“We have awarded a total solutions framework agreement that for the first time sees contract coverage across the hubs’ membership including product areas not previously taken to market,” said LPP’s medical, surgical and supply chain senior workstream lead, Marc Osborne.

“Our priority will be to deliver benefits and solutions for our respective hub members but we have structured the framework agreement so that it can apply nationally, further simplifying procurement in this category.”

David John, chief executive of EOE CPH added combining national buyers power with strong regional and local engagement enables “highly competitive agreements that really meet the needs of the NHS, of suppliers and above all of patients”.

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